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Repurposing: What does that mean?

The original piece of writing that I started off with before the repurposing was a scrap of paper that was once left for me in a textbook of mine.  The small, jagged note read, "Did you know that I love you?"


After spending a lot of time looking through old papers and academic essays, I realized that this little scrap was what inspired me more than anything.  I felt the need to share its significance with the world, and thus, my repurposing project was born.


verb. To take a piece of writing, whether it be a scrap or paper, an academic essay, or a creative story, and twist it into a new (yet related) piece.

The Project

After choosing to work with this note, I decided I wanted to make a campaign of sorts.  This would be something that people could participate in by pairing up with a partner and writing notes back and forth for a day.  To repurpose the original note, I designed a flyer to be the figurehead for the campaign.


I chose to make a flyer so that I could use it to recruit the participants, and so that I had a one-page document containing the most important information.  A flyer would also give me distribution flexibility, so I set out design just that.

(Click to enlarge)

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